
Social Activity Stream

See campaign interactions and social activities in real time right on your dashboard. Instantly view mentions on Twitter, Facebook status updates and campaign interactions (such as subscribe, clicks and opens) as they occur.

Subscribers GEO Location

Get location data of your individual subscribers and view their home location and travel history. Use this information to optimize & segment your lists for better campaign performance.

Read/Open Tracking

Find out how many subscribers are opening your email campaign. You can even view which individual subscribers viewed the campaign, how many times they opened it, and the date/time that they viewed your campaign.

Link Tracking

Link tracking lets you know who clicks on each link, how many times they clicked, and on what date/time.


View a list of subscribers who resulted in a bounced email. You can view the type of bounce (soft/hard) along with the bounce reason that was returned.

Email Client Reports

We automatically track the email clients your subscribers are using. You will be able to view the top email clients for a list and/or a specific campaign.

Trend Reporting

With our opens by time/day trend report you can see what time of the day receives the most opens. You can look across all your lists, for a specific list, or a specific campaign.

You can also see what day of the week achieves the highest opens. By using this data you can find out the optimal day of the week and time of the day to send future campaigns.


View who unsubscribed from a specific campaign along with the reason they unsubscribed (if they entered a reason)